TCT Minutes, June 2, 2014

PRESENT: Alan, Vince, Neal, Lisa, John.

June 2, 2014


  1. Patricia’s report
  2. Neal report on gathering
  3. Vince’s report on insurance and other issues
  4. Tents report.
  5. Alan & Business cards.
  6. Web report.

PATRICIA’S REPORT: Patricia was unable to attend. However, she reported she will close the TAPCO account. We discussed possibly opening an account at Sound Credit Union, where Occupy Tacoma has an account and does not have to pay any fees.

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TCT Minutes, May 19, 2014

PRESENT: Vince, Neal, Lisa, Alan, Patricia

May 19, 2014


  1. Web report
  2. Coalition meeting
  3. Associated Ministries event.
  4. ORCA card
  5. Assessment and Ideas from 15 now

Web Report:
Alan reported that he made a backup of the site and has been doing so about every 2 weeks. He reported that we’ve had a lot of spurious registrations, probably bots. He is going to look into a “captcha” plugin to block bot registrations.

Coalition Report: Neal attended the meeting of the TPCCEH (Tacoma-Pierce County Coalition to End Homelessness). This time, it was Police Department personnel who gave the main presentation. They reported on the police department’s encampment elimination program. They say that the problem is not as pressing as some people think.

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