PRESENT: Alan (Note taker), Neal, Lisa, Vince (Facilitator), Patricia
- Letters to potential hosts.
- Postings on websites
- Vince’s report.
- Web Page.
- Announcements
LETTERS TO POTENTIAL HOSTS: Neal, Vince, Alan, and Patricia came in with versions of a proposed letter to send to potential host sites. Vince’s letter told the story of how TCT developed from OT, and he wrote it from the point of view of a clergyman writing his colleagues. Patricia had worked on her stream-of-consciousness letter, and Neal made some revisions. Alan made some revisions of Neal’s letters. We felt that all the letters had positive points and that perhaps we should use a brief cover letter with a longer narrative, based on Vince’s effort.
The next question was do we mail this package out to all churches who are potential host sites, or do we mail them out more selectively?. Patricia favored sending them out to all potential host sites. If we decided to be more selective, Vince would be willing to drive around with one of us to check out the hosts’ location and physical suitability for a site.
VINCE’S REPORT: Vince did not have a chance to talk to Pastor Nina or call Mike Coburn yet. He will report on this at the upcoming meeting.
POSTINGS ON WEBSITE: We discussed briefly the mechanics of posting to the website. Alan will make a brief tutorial on how to do this. We also briefly discussed our Facebook page and what we felt was appropriate to be on that page.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Our next meeting will be at the FUMC, 4 PM, August 25, 2014
Thanks to Neal for proofreading these minutes and checking them for accuracy —Editor
Respectfully submitted: Alan OldStudent