TCT Minutes for February 16, 2015

February 16, 2015

PRESENT: Alan, Dennis, Patty, Neal, Vince, Alan


  1. Cindy and Cheryl were not here. Alan called Cheryl. Cheryl said she and Cindy had made progress making contact. They said they would send material to Alan, who would forward it to the other members of the Development Team.
  2. Neal reported on discussions he had had with the new pastor at his church. This Lutheran church just installed a new pastor after having conducted a 3-year search for a suitable candidate. This pastor is a younger person. Neal feels this pastor may well be receptive to our project if we present it in a positive manner, emphasizing that this is a constructive effort to help homeless become self sufficient. The parish is the Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in Lakewood, and the new clergy person is Pastor Paul E Zeigler. Neal hopes to be able to take him to Seattle tent city camps to see how they work.

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TCT Minutes, Feb 2, 2015

February 2, 2015

Attending: Cheryl Grunenfelder, Patty Johnson, Lisa, Neal, Alan, Vince, Cindy.
Coordination: Vince (Facilitator), Alan (Notes)

Items Discussed:

  1. Overview.
  2. Vince’s report.
  3. Followup on last public meeting.
  4. What’s next.

Meeting Discussion: We gave a brief overview of our project for the benefit of the 3 new people. Topics discussed were the history of TCT (Tent City Tacoma), its origins in OT (Occupy Tacoma), and our month-long efforts in getting the city to draft an appropriate code.

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