Facilitator: Paul; Stacker: Neal; Note Taker, Alan
Attendees: Alan, Paul, Matthias, Felicia, Neal, Vince, Dani, Inez, Trina.
INTRODUCTIONS: Attendees briefly identified themselves.
- Shall the proposed agenda be adopted? Unanimous.
- Shall we approve the minutes of 01/12/2016? Unanimous
- EIN status:
An EIN is a number from the IRS assigned to a group. It stands for “employer identification number.” Having an EIN is a requirement for opening our credit union account. Paul, Linda, and Neal have accomplished this - Financial report:
- One individual, who wishes to remain anonymous but whose initial is B, has access to a donation for $500. He wants to know our progress in getting our ducks lined up in a row before he makes the donation. Alan will communicate with B and let him know our financial setup after this Wednesday.
- Alan and Felicia are co-treasurers. Alan and Felicia will meet on Wednesday, Jan 20, 2016, and set up a credit union account.
- Alan reported on the status of our funds.
- Inventory report:
- We have a collection of tents, tarps, and other supplies that Linda has physical possession of. She is in the process of moving. This is going a bit slowly at present as she fell and injured her knee. When she has finished this move, she will inventory these items and give us a complete inventory.
- We discussed condition of this material. We discussed Woody and his expertise and will see if he can consult with us about maintaining and repairing this. Woody did super work in maintaining Occupy Tacoma’s tents and related materiel.
- We discussed the nature of needed donations. Wa talked about the required sizes of tents/tarps. One great resource is a store called Harbor Freight Tools. Examples of other things we need: Air mattresses, bungee cords, blankets, sleeping bags, plastic tote boxes (storage totes), milk crates, items for blessing bags.
- Trina suggested that Paul approach the Garrison Commander about acquiring military camping materiel. Paul was quite enthusiastic about this idea and will follow up.
- Mission/Vision statement:
The members received a draft of a proposed mission/vision statement for HEARTS 4 Change. There was discussion about the difference between a vision statement and a mission statement. Although the document distributed at the meeting was more of a vision statement, the title said “mission statement.” We attempted to rewrite it, but it was a cumbersome process. Alan suggested we work on it at home in consultation with each other via email. Alan will circulate the original to today’s attendees, and we can get the balls rolling. - Change of meeting time
We discussed changing the meeting time to the first and third Tuesdays of the month. We decided the meeting on the first Tuesday will normally be at FUMC (First United Methodist Church) in Tacoma and the meeting on the third Tuesday will be at Mentor House. We passed a motion to that effect as stated below.
- Change meeting times to the first Tuesday of each month at FUMC and the third Tuesday at Mentor House, 5 pm to 6:30. This motion was passed unanimously.
- Facilitator: Paul
- Stacker: TBA
- Note taker: Alan
- Date: 02/02/2016
- Time: 5 to 6:30 PM
- Place: First United Methodist Church (FUMC) at 621 Tacoma Ave S, room 207. Enter at the Tower Entrance at the far left of the building.
Respectfully submitted: Alan OldStudent