TCT Minutes for Jan 6, 2016

Jan 6, 2016


Facilitator: Paul, Stacker: Linda, Note Taker, Alan.

Attendees: Alan OS, TK (Teresa) M, Carl M, Heather M, Vince H, Dani C, Linda M, Katherine M, Tom F, Carl M, Neal R, Paul W, Felicia M,

Introductions: Attendees briefly introduced themselves and stated what talents and resources they brought to us.


  1. Shall we adopt the proposed agenda? Unanimously adopted
  2. Shall we approve the minutes of -12/16/2015? Unanimously approved


  1. Recap Sunday:
    The core group and homeless went out to set up a tent city. The intentions were well placed, to occupy some state public land. But the group had misread what was state owned and not. The main part of the site was private property, and only a small strip was state owned. To avoid such mishaps in the future, we will consult one of our volunteers who happens to be a realtor. We also will avail ourselves of SHARE/WHEEL resources.This attempt, in addition to being a mistake, was the greatest possible dress rehearsal. We learned a few things about logistics. We now know how to set up and break down tents and other resources quickly. Harpo’s also had donated 100 meals, and we diverted this to another shelter and were able to do some networking.Matt Driscoll wrote an article about this experience. We discussed Matt’s article.
  2. Questions and Answers:
    We discussed the type of territory we need. Discussed a sweep. The day of our attempt to set up a tent city, the police swept all the publicly-visible, ad-hoc homeless settlements.
  3. About the 501c(3):
    We need to go forward with this for a number of technical reasons. This requires setting up a legal structure. Paul will be the pro tem operations chair, and he will function as a coordinator. Neal is to be the vice operations chair. Pastor Ed will let us use their 501c3 until we have set up our own. We will need a memorandum of agreement. The minimum we need for making an official decision is a BOD (Board of Directors) and an OC (Operations Coordinator).

    1. Alan is the current secretary and treasurer. So we need to elect a (co)secretary and (co)treasurer.
      1. Vince and Felicia are co-treasurer nominees.
    2. We are collecting nominations for BOD.
    3. Alan reported on our money. He gave some details that are available to members
    4. Name Ideas For 501c(3) name, to be voted on Jan 13. Following are some possibilities, and members will attempt to come up with more. Alan discussed the importance of using Google to avoid using a name another group already has.
      1. St Louise de Marillac
      2. The Way To A Home
    5. Other suggestions welcome
  4. Land Acquisition Teams/Resources
    Steve O’Ban will come to a meeting. He may be able to come up with some ideas about acquiring land. Carl came up with an idea of land that DOT owns. Paul drew a map and gave some details.


    • Facilitator: Paul
    • Stacker: Linda
    • Note taker: Alan
    • Date: 01/12/2016
    • Time: 5 to 6:30 PM
    • PLACE: Mentor House: 3501 104th St E, Tacoma, WA 98446


Respectfully submitted: Alan OldStudent