MEETING COORDINATORS: Facilitator: Neal, Stacker: Neal, Note Taker, Alan.
ATTENDEES: Alan OS, Brent L, Carl M, Coley W, Dani C, Ed W, Inez B, Jami B, Jay D. Catherine, Kitty E, Linda M, Major Martha S, Matthias K, Michelle S, Paul W, Rhonda B, Roberson, Sacha Felicia M, Sam R, Shannon B, Sheldon, Suzan M, Tom F, Travis J, Vince, Vince H, Vontell M
- Shall we adopt the proposed agenda? Unanimously adopted as amended
- Shall we approve the minutes of -12/09/2015? Unanimously approved
- Matt Driscoll
Matt is a political commentator at the TNT. He has been interested in homeless issues and had wanted to come to this meeting. At the last moment, he was unable to do so. We had a lengthy discussion of the pros and cons of letting him know the exact location before we set up. Sam made a compromise motion. The motion did not pass, and we’ll let Matt know on Sunday morning. Please see the motions below for details. - Election of officers.
For legal purposes, we need a TCO, a treasurer, and a secretary. Alan said he was willing to be the recording secretary. Vince suggested he be the treasurer for the time being. This suggestion was unanimously adopted. - Porta Potties:
Neal told he has commitment for Porta Potties, but there may be issues. Ed has access to 3 Porta Potties and has arranged from pumping. That will come to $75/month. Alan asked if one was handicap accessible. Ed said he will check for handicapped status. - Dumpster:
Ed said he can haul 25 trashcans. We discussed the need for a sharps container for diabetics to use. - Pallets:
We’ve managed to collect quite a number of pallets, according to Carl. - Plywood:
We don’t have plywood yet, but there are a few leads. - Donations:
We don’t have a 501c3 yet. Ed has 501c3 we can use for donations until we have one ourselves. - Tents:
We have some tents at Bud’s house. Alan said he’s on good terms with Patricia and can ask her to have Bud deliver the tents. Sam said he can have people pick up tents from Bud if Bud can’t bring them. Brent L may have access to a large tent suitable for use as a community space tent. - Electricity:
Ed knows electricians. He also has a generator. - Water:
Linda and another person has access to bottled water and expressed concerns that the bottles be recycled. - Food provisions:
Rhonda said she will organize the food. Carl has access to MREs. Linda will help Rhonda coordinate ongoing food. Others have peanut butter, tuna, etc. Susan and Rhonda will get Christmas dinner together. - Sunday morning:
We will meet Sunday, Dec 20, 2015, at 7 AM at the McDonalds on 9th and Tacoma Ave S for coffee prior to picking up people to be taken to the tent city.
MOTIONS: Move that we let Matt D know the location after 7 pm on Saturday, Dec 19, 2015. There were 7 yes votes and 12 no votes. Abstentions were not tallied.
- Facilitator: Neal
- Stacker: Travis
- Note taker: Alan
- Date: 01/06/2015
- Time: 3:30 to 5 PM
- PLACE: 3501 104th St E, Tacoma, WA 98446
Respectfully submitted: Alan OldStudent