TCT Minutes for Nov 18, 2015

Nov 18, 2015

MEETING COORDINATORS: Facilitator: Bud; Stacker: Neal; Note Taker: Alan

ATTENDEES: Pamm Silver (Molina), Neal, Nancy Huseman, Linda, Bud, Alan, Rosemary, Jim, Sam, Kellie Cooper (Molina), Inez Bruce, Taffi Wheeldon, Heather, Mathias, Pastor John A, Rick Maib, Felicia


  1. Shall we adopt the proposed agenda?. Unanimously adopted
  2. Shall we approve the minutes of October 14, 2015? Unanimously approved
  3. Shall we follow the adopted agenda?


  1. Balanced talk. We discussed the need for staying on topic, letting all have a say.
  2. Alternative sites: We discussed that after we have one site, or even before, we need to find alternative sites for subsequent encampments. It was suggested we ask Project Homeless Connect. Pamm will reach out to them. Neal can make sure that at subsequent homeless connect has our reps after initial contact made. We talked about contacting legislators. Linda mentions a lot of state sites going unused. Rick Maib reference to a legal federal mandate that Pierce County is required to have a homeless facility. He does not know much about it but will be checking into it. He says he believes there is a federal law that mandates abandoned government buildings to be used for homeless. Neal mentions that the downside may be that the government would directly control a site on federal property. Inez talked about the utility of going out and talking to a homeless encampment. She described how at one facility she visited, she gave a tarp to one of the residents. That resident managed to figure out a way of sharing it with several others. We discussed the legal encumbrances and problems with having children at the camp. Taffi talked about a program she works with for rapid housing from temporary shelter. Health Dept.
  3. Possible Mentor House Site: Rick said that the Mentor House had a specific mandate given by the funding entity. It is supposed to help “at-risk youth.” However, there may be a way for Mentor House to host a site. Rick will investigate and let us know.
  4. Helping Each Other: We discussed how we each can best coordinate with others in helping get the homeless in a safe place for shelter. We discussed networking with other organizations. Bud invited everyone to come to our regular next regular Wednesday meeting. We also discussed PORTABLE shower facilities and related matters.
  5. Funding issues: Discussion deferred to a later meeting.
  6. Medical help: Discussion deferred to a later meeting.
  7. Transportation: Discussion deferred to a later meeting.
  8. County Fairgrounds: Pastor John will try to see about the possibility of a site at the Pierce County fairgrounds.

UPCOMING EVENTS: Project Homeless Connect: Pam announced that the next one is Dec 5, 10-2 PM. 9101 Lakewood.


  1. As a group, we discussed and agreed to follow a “balanced talk power” meeting format. This gives all participants who wish equal opportunity and time to talk regarding any topic under discussion as managed by our Stacker/Time Keeper. Unanimously approved.
  2. As a group, we agreed list and prioritize the items we wish to discuss, including potential conflict with neighbors regarding the proposal for Mentor House to serve as a host site for a small shelter community, as well as how best to minimize and manage possible conflict. Unanimously approved.
  3. We discussed not having the next meeting Wednesday the 25th, as that is the day before Thanksgiving. We will have it as listed below, Wed, Dec. 2. Unanimously approved.


    • Facilitator: Neal
    • Stacker: Bud
    • Note taker: Alan
    • Date: 12/0o/2015
    • Time: 3:30 to 5 PM
    • FUMC: Mentor House, 3510 -104th, Tacoma

Respectfully submitted: Alan OldStudent