Meeting Coordinators:
- Facilitator Vince
- Stacker Neal
- Note Taker Alan
People Present:
Neal, Bud, Vince, Alan.
Agenda Approval and Minutes Adoption
- Shall we adopt agenda? Agenda was unanimously adopted
- Shall we adopt minutes of 9/16/2015 as posted on the TCT website? Minutes unanimously adopted
Reports and Discussion
- Cheryl’s status: Cheryl will be temporarily less involved owing to personal and professional obligations. She plans on becoming much more active again when she has dealt with some present obligations.
- We discussed having a camp-out night in a public and visible place as a demonstration. Several potential locations were discussed, including Wright Park and People’s Park. This would be a peaceful demonstration to bring the issue of homelessness to the press’s attention. We would like to have this grow into a national camp-out night. This could also serve as a fundraiser, similar to the one KING 5 does to raise donations for Northwest Food Bank. Bud will report back to Linda, who got the idea from her pastor.
- There will be a meeting in Puyallup to discuss the recent Justice Department resolution to pursue legal action against municipalities who try to make the status of being homeless a crime. Vince, Alan, and Neal will attend, and Vince will provide transportation to them.
- Bud will meet with someone from an as-yet unnamed church to discuss a site. There is a specific church Bud is approaching, but we don’t want to publicly identify this church until they are 100% on board.
- Neal got documentation about 501c3. Need to put together an Article of Association. We will skip the option of becoming a corporation and instead be an association. Neal has info on the filing requirements.
- Two proposals
- Written request to FUMC for assistance in meeting. Bud read this letter. Small changes were suggested and made. Bud will incorporate those changes and send it to Vince.
- Flyer for Project Homeless Connect. We want this ready by the 28th of October.
- Host Sites: Bud says getting host sites is our number 1 priority. Bud will send out a script, a log, list of churches. Need to make calls.
- So far, we have had no feedback from Kierra Phiffer, Senator Murray’s assistant. She had promised to get back to us.
- Neal talked about Project Homeless Connect on Oct 28. Same day as meeting. May delay meeting or perhaps even change day/time. Bud will send it out to mail list.
Next Meeting Plans
- Facilitator: Vince
- Stacker: Neal
- Note taker: Alan
- Date: 09/23/2015
- Time: 3:30 to 5 PM
- FUMC: 621 Tacoma Ave S
Meeting adjourned at 5 PM
Respectfully submitted: Alan OldStudent