Attendance: Alan, Bud, Cheryl, April, Sunny, Sam
The note taker arrived a 20 minutes’ late owing to a problem with the bus schedules. These notes may be incomplete.
Contacts: Sunny suggested that we develop a list of allies. Alan suggested we could add allies to our Google database and create a label “Allies.”
List of tasks: The desirability of having a list of tasks and asking for development team members to take ownership of these tasks came up. This could be noted in the minutes, and then people could be held to account. One of the tasks we talked about was leafleting to build support for TCT. Sam committed to leafleting this coming Thursday and Tuesday to homeless in Tacoma. Sam said that hand delivering those leaflets was an important personal contact. We also discussed the importance of handing these leaflets to pastors. Alan will try to contact Pastor Christopher. He will also send a sample agenda and minutes from 15 Now Tacoma as a sample of a possible format. He will also get some details about Gofundme and Anedot, two services for fundraising. April, Sam, Cheryl, and Bud will all try to hand out leaflets. April will call several churches about setting up meetings.
Organizational Details: We discussed several topics under this heading.
- 501(c)(3): Sam suggested setting up a 501(c)(3). Alan said he had heard that the process of forming one is quite cumbersome. Sam said that this was easy to do and that he had personally set up several of them for tent cities. We will need to have a board of directors, but this is doable.
- Meeting decorum: We discussed several ideas about having a good and effective meeting.
- Bud suggested some sort of round-robin style meeting where everyone had their turn. He said this helped keep anyone from dominating the meeting.
- Alan suggested having an agenda with a facilitator and note taker, along with perhaps a stacker. The agenda would be mutually developed and presented at the beginning of the meeting, with motions to amend in order. Alan said this protocol works very well for 15 Now Tacoma, and he suggested taking that model as a starting point. He will email some sample agendas to Bud, and Bud will work on developing an agenda for our next meeting.
Next Meeting: Wednesday, August 2, FUMC, 3:30 to 5 PM
Respectfully submitted: Alan OldStudent