TCT Minutes: May 5, 2014

PRESENT: Neal, Vince, Lisa, Alan, Patricia

May 5, 2014


  1. Vince’s report on past hosts
  2. Patricia’s report on council coalition
  3. Neal on NetZero
  4. Note from Steve Dunkelberger

Report on Past Hosts: Vince contacted 3 pastors of churches which had hosted tent cities before. Vince distributed copies of reports from ministers. Some discussion on those. One has hosted a tent city 12 times and there has been much good feedback. Vince will ask pastors how they handled the insurance liability. Neal suggested contacting Share/Wheel for other contacts of people who’ve done it.

Patricia on Council Coalition: Council of Neighborhood Councils. Andy Mordhorst chair. She will get me details. We can present to this overarching council instead of every neighborhood council in the city.

NetZero Report: Neal feels this would be the best plan for us. He’s been doing some research. We could start with the free time. Neal feels a stick (dongle) is our best option as it limits access to 1 computer. This is just for admin at this time. We need to ask such questions as: How much of this is necessary for residents, and can we afford it? Concerning starting our project and the size of our first site, Patricia talked about the importance of starting small, with maybe 25. She drew the comparison to the standard PermaCulture advice for beginning such projects—start small and later expand.

Tents: Neal will contact Mike about tents. Alan will send Mike’s phone number. Patricia says John N has offered Church space for storage when we get them back to Tacoma.

Coalition Meeting: This Thursday. Code was passed as is.

Coalition Booklet: Neal will get a blurb for this booklet sent to Ava (Colin’s assistant) Homeless services booklet.

Project Homeless Connection: Wednesday at Puyallup Fairgrounds.

Next Meeting: May 19th

Thanks to Patricia for proofreading these minutes and checking them for accuracy —Editor

Respectfully submitted: Alan OldStudent