March 17th Work Coordinators’ Meeting Is Canceled

Our March 17th TCT Coordinators’ meeting has been canceled so we can attend the Neighbor and Housing Committee meeting. This is actually a meeting of a standing subcommittee of the City Council. Harry will make presentation about what the proposed ordinance calls THCs. (Temporary Homeless Camps). Although TCT coordinators can attend, we may not be able to speak. This meeting is at 4:30 PM, March 17, 2014, Room 248, Tacoma Municipal Building, located at 747 Market Street.

Details of City Council Subcommittee Meeting

What: Neighbor and Housing Committee meeting
When: Monday, March 17, 2014, at 4:30 PM
Where: Tacoma Municipal Building, Room 248
747 Market Street

TCT Minutes, March 3, 2014

Meeting notes taken by
Lisa Vick, 03/03/2014


Start: 4 PM, Ended 5:12 PM

PRESENT: John, Blaine, Neal, Patricia, Vince (Facilitator) , Lisa (Note taker)

March 3, 2014


  1. News from Bethlehem Church
  2. Feedback from Gathering Church
  3. Code Amendment Schedule
  4. Feedback on Annual Sustainability Expo
  5. Tent Storage Space
  6. Research on Budget.

Bethlehem Church News: Neal will give a presentation to the Bethlehem congregation meeting. This will help them decide if they want to proceed with negotiations with us to provide a host site. Neal will give the presentation on March 23rd, 2014 at 11:00 AM. Neal and congregation members will have a Q & A (question and answer) session along with the presentation.

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TCT Minutes, February 17, 2014

PRESENT: Vince (facilitator), John, Blaine, Lisa, Neal, Alan (Note taker), Patricia


February 17, 2014
  1. Next meeting’s note taker
  2. St Leo’s Fair
  3. City of Tacoma Seventh Annual Sustainability Expo
  4. Possible camp site at Gathering Church
  5. Discussion on Resources
  6. Vince’s contacts
  7. OT (Occupy Tacoma) tents
  8. Tent storage place
  9. Coalition meeting.

NEXT MEETING NOTE TAKER: Alan usually takes notes and posts the minutes. However, Alan cannot attend the next meeting. Lisa volunteered to take the notes. She will send them to Alan, who will post them. Alan will probably ask Patricia or another attendee to proof them for accuracy and errors, which he does for those minutes he posts.

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