TCT MINUTES: February 3, 2013

PRESENT: John, Blaine, Lisa, Neal, Patricia, Alan (note taker), Vince (facilitator).

February 3, 2014


  1. Report from John.
  2. Tent report from Michael Cobern given by Vince
  3. Fundraising and Tasks
  4. Real Change.
  5. Report on Planning Commission.
  6. Announcement of next meeting.

REPORT FROM JOHN: Bethlehem did not vote at annual meeting and felt they needed some more information. The vote not was rescheduled until they had more information about fundraising. Also, Bethlehem Church wanted to know if Planning Commission required us to have lined up a year’s worth of sites before getting approval under the new guidelines.

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TCT MINUTES: January 20, 2014

PRESENT: Blaine, Lisa, Neal, Alan (Note Taker), Patricia, Vince (Meeting Facilitator


January 20, 2014
  1. Planning commission meeting coming up.
  2. St Leo’s Ecology weekend
  3. Financial report
  4. Patricia on Bethlehem.
  5. Vince’s religious contacts.

PLANNING COMMISSION: The City Planning Commission will have a meeting on January 22 at 5:30 PM, 1st floor of City Hall. They are taking public feedback on the proposed city code for granting a use permit to homeless camps. KIRO broadcasted a story on spontaneous homeless encampments within the city limits and seemed to conflate these with organized tent cities. We thought that this report was not a good one and perpetuated some misconceptions about the organized tent cities, as well as the homeless themselves. Patricia sent a link to the KIRO report to Colin and Harry from the City of Tacoma, who had visited organized tent cities in Olympia and Seattle and had been favorably impressed with how well organized and run they were.

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