PRESENT: Alan, Vince, Blaine, Lisa, Neal, Patricia
- Discussion of possible TCT camp sites
- Discussion on TPCCEH Coalition meeting
- Report on New Web site
- Bank account
POSSIBLE CHURCH LOCATION: Patricia and Neal reported on the meeting with the trustees at Bethlehem Lutheran Church (BL). Although not a member of BL, Elder Ronnie Warren, whom we met at the Coalition meeting in September, helped connect up TCT with BL as a possible site and got us an invitation to the trustees’ meeting on October 15. At that meeting, Neal gave a shortened form of the Power Point presentation he put together. The pastor explained that this was an introductory presentation only. The discussion of possibly hosting TCT will be held on Oct 29. Those present at the meeting responded positively to Neal’s presentation, including one individual who Pastor Nina Body felt was likely to be resistant. Before making their decision, the trustees want to talk to churches in Seattle who have acted as hosts to other tent cities. They also want clarification on liability issues, not only hold harmless agreements but how their insurance would view that agreement. Neal will get the contact information for Pastor Body.
Blaine interviewed a lot of homeless people at Living Grace. He will have a meeting at Living Grace with Pastor John through Crossings to discuss getting more contacts for possible host sites for TCT.
TPCCEH COALITION MEETING: We discussed the TPCCEH (Tacoma-Pierce County Coalition to End Homelessness) meetings. This is a coalition of churches, homeless advocates, non-profits, and city agencies to deal with homelessness. TCT is a member. Blaine has done a lot of work collating concerns of homeless to present to constituent members of TPCCEH. Vince, Patricia, Alan, Neal, Blaine, and Lisa all participated in the discussion. Members felt that TCT can serve as more of a bridge to the rest of the coalition articulating needs and frustration of the homeless to the constituent coalition groups. It can be hard for homeless people to feel comfortable talking to those who see them as “clients,” and it can be hard for those who have never been homeless to understand the realities of life on the streets.
Alan suggested we have a checklist of tasks to be accomplished before the next meeting.
- Neal will contact Share/Wheel in Seattle to see if we could set up as a sub-chapter of their organization so we can open a bank account under their tax ID for the funds we raise. He will pass on the answer to Patricia who is setting up the account.
- We need to find out more about “hold harmless” agreements. Neal will check with the Seattle people to see if they had insurance on the camps. The suggestion was raised about having potential residents sign legal wavers.
- Neal will get list of a couple of contacts for Pastor Nina Body to talk with to ask about who has hosted tent city sites previously.
- Alan will reserve room 207 at FUMC* for 4:30 on Monday, October 28, for TCT Website admin meeting where he will conduct class on authoring and administering our website.
- Alan will reserve room 207 at FUMC* for our TCT meeting, for 4 pm, November 4.
FUMC is First United Methodist Church at 621 Tacoma Ave S, Tacoma WA
Thanks to Patricia for extensively proofreading these minutes and checking them for accuracy —Editor
Respectfully submitted: Alan OldStudent
Hi all,
Hello All,
Sorry for the delayed response to inquiries by Neal Rogers
Moving both Tent Cities here in the Seattle area kept me busy for most of October. Now that TC3 is settling in to the Bryn Mawr United Methodist Church just north of Renton and TC4 settling in at Mary, Queen of Peace on the Sammamish Plateau I am working to forward to Neal the requested information asap. To the request of being a part of SHARE/WHEEL that request would have to be presented to the “Power Lunch” Board of Directors. That is the decision making body of SHARE/WHEEL. If there is a request in writing I would be happy to help facilitate the process for such a request. Please let me know how I may continue to be of assistance.
Marvin Futrell III, SHARE/WHEEL Tent City Organizer