PRESENT: Neal, Bud, Alan, Cheryl, Vince
OUTREACH: Neal, Bud, Cheryl, and Lisa went to Olympia camp. They learned some ideas of how to make a tent city more “bureaucracy” friendly. We need to connect with political allies. Bud will send out a letter to Matt Driscoll, a political columnist with the TNT. Alan will ask Matt to talk with Bud, Neal, and others on Development team.
RANDALL TOWNSEND APARTMENTS: Troy Christianson responded to our calls by leaving a voice message. Vince says will try to set up an appointment with him.
TEMPLATE FOR BUSINESS PLAN: Bud and Cheryl have been working on a business plan. Cheryl has much experience with making business plans, something the rest of the Development Team lack. But Bud has been doing some study on the matter, and he and Cheryl came up with a template. Various members of the Development Team have taken on responsibility for writing segments of it. After hearing Bud and Cheryl talk about it, all of us understand how important having a business plan is for the success of our project.
NEXT MEETING: Vince will be out of town during the next meeting time, which is July 20, 2015. So Vince will not be able to arrange for us to have our usual meeting place. We decided to meet at the downtown Tully’s located in the old Bostich Hotel at 764 Broadway.
Respectfully submitted: Alan OldStudent