Present: Vince, Bud, Neal, Cheryl (a little late).
Business: Neal reported on a chance meeting with Colin DeForest while on his way to our meeting. From him he got quite an update on the Freezing Nights project in Puyallup. We need to interact with that project, to share what we are trying to do, what we know, etc.
Discussion shifted to “Housing First” programs, such as that now under way at the Bay Watch Apartments across 7th from the church. Here too we need to build ties and learn more. Vince will try to contact MDC (manages the Bay Watch) to see if someone can meet with us to tell us how it was developed and how it is running (perhaps at April 6 meeting).
Agreed to stay with the plan for the next general public meeting on April 20. Time: 4-6. Cheryl will get to work on phoning. Vince will contact Seattle area host churches for another delegation to come if possible. Neal will trim the PowerPoint to be used as part of the agenda. Try to have known prospective host churches represented, as well as others.
Adjournment: That done, meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted: Vince Hart