PRESENT: Alan, Dennis, Patty, Neal, Vince, Alan
- Cindy and Cheryl were not here. Alan called Cheryl. Cheryl said she and Cindy had made progress making contact. They said they would send material to Alan, who would forward it to the other members of the Development Team.
- Neal reported on discussions he had had with the new pastor at his church. This Lutheran church just installed a new pastor after having conducted a 3-year search for a suitable candidate. This pastor is a younger person. Neal feels this pastor may well be receptive to our project if we present it in a positive manner, emphasizing that this is a constructive effort to help homeless become self sufficient. The parish is the Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in Lakewood, and the new clergy person is Pastor Paul E Zeigler. Neal hopes to be able to take him to Seattle tent city camps to see how they work.
- Vince had taken on the responsibility of contacting Associated Ministries and networking with them. However, the Associated Ministries has been preoccupied with a change of directorship. Vince’s wife was hospitalized acutely and now is in a rehabilitation facility. Secondary to this, Vince has not been able to follow through about 501C status.
- Alan did some work with our contact list on our Gdrive. Neal made sure that the relevant documents were there, and Alan resent the list of contacts from our public meeting at the beginning of January, 2015.
- Vince addressed what he sees as being our next steps if we are to move forward. He feels that if we can find 4 churches who are ready to commit, we could hold another public meeting with Seattle clergy who came to our January meeting. He hopes to have such a public inter-church meeting in April, depending on how phoning goes. That would enable us to say to Bethlehem Lutheran that they are not alone and we have some partners. Vince emphasized the importance of goal setting. Neal points out that one major stumbling block we have faced is that we are not the only ones who need to make decisions to move. We depend on various churches making decisions. The process depends on action on the part of others, not just us as the core Development Team.
- Vince suggested that we get a few Google Earth shots as part of our presentation. We could take them to various parishes and point out the suitability of their facilities for hosting a tent city.
- Alan will try to invite Steve Dunkelberger to our next meeting.
- Vince will talk to Larry LaRue, a Tribune reporter. Neal will be able to get together with Larry to talk to homeless.
March 2, 2015, 4 to 5:30, FUMC
Meeting was adjourned at 5:03 pm.
Respectfully submitted: Alan OldStudent