TCT Minutes, Nov 3, 2014

November 3, 2014

PRESENT: Vince, Alan, Patricia, Neal.

MEETING DETAILS: Vince had an appointment with Pastor Nina. Vince came away from that meeting feeling that we had some homework to do. He feels it makes sense for us to find 1 or 2 other churches who might be willing to engage in our project and have a joint meeting with them. The letter we sent out triggered some interest in North Tacoma. Vince feels it is important for him to call these pastors and set up a joint meeting.

Vince will try to cultivate some sort of relationship with Safe Streets. Vince has had some communication with Wanda from Safe Streets, and she said Safe Streets are not opposed. They just have questions. Possibly, Neal could give our presentation to Safe Streets.

Patricia suggested seeing if Bethlehem would sponsor an ad-hoc shelter on a freezing night. Icy weather may help break the ice. Patricia is needing to take a leave of absence from Tent City Tacoma for a while to take care of other pressing business.

Vince will work on a model text for the telephone calls.

Respectfully submitted: Alan OldStudent