MEETING NOTES: Vince reported that he made contact with Pastor Nina and will be having a meeting with her in the near future. There were some reservations about sponsoring a tent city at a meeting of some church members and neighbors. Someone from Safe Streets had met with them to discuss neighborhood watch matters, and the Safe Streets person had strong reservations about siting a tent city on the property. It was felt that the Safe Streets person had some mistaken notions about us, and Neal or Vince will try to meet with the Safe Streets person to see what can be done to give them more information about us.
We also discussed the mailings that Vince sent to his colleagues. What is needed is someone to attach phone numbers and possible contact names to the list that Vince used for sending out mail. Patricia said she would enjoy doing that, and she took on that task.
Meanwhile, Neal got an email from a Baptist church, and they seemed interested in the idea of a tent city. Neal wrote back. Vince will try to enlist the cooperation of some pastors he knows in Seattle whose churches have had positive experience with tent cities.
Respectfully submitted: Alan OldStudent