TCT Minutes, January 6, 2014

PRESENT: Vince (Facilitator), Alan (Note Taker), Blaine, Lisa, Patricia, Neal


  1. Fundraising matters
  2. Next meeting
January 6, 2014

FUNDRAISING MATTERS: We had a discussion about how we could go about raising funds. Patricia read the pitch she had written for the YouCaring site. We agreed that it was a good and factual explanation of the situation and what was needed.

Alan thought that perhaps we should have a “jumping off” spot on both our webpage and our Facebook page. This statement would invite people to imagine what it feels like to be homeless and make an emotional appeal. It would say something like “click here to help,” and then could link to the YouCaring site. We could think of this emotionally appealing pitch as a “launch pad” (to use Vince’s terms) and the YouCaring site could be the “landing pad.”

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