TCT Minutes for April 6, 2015

April 6, 2015

Present: Alan, Vince, Cheryl, Bud, Neal.

Business: We discussed Neal’s pastor’s concerns about “syncretism.” There are some religious organizations who might feel that participating with a variety of different groups might not be good for their doctrinal integrity. However, most religious institutions would not be hesitant to work with other religious institutions on Tent City Tacoma because of fears of “syncretism.”

We discussed the tentative plans for 2 weeks. Our core developers will be contacting people for this event tomorrow. Neal will try to contact Freezing Nights. Alan will invite Matt Driscoll, a political columnist he knows, to come to next Sunday’s meeting. We will try to have some kind of condensed story for the meeting. We will also try to have some balance in the way the meeting is run. Vince will act as facilitator. We may have some light refreshments at the door. Below is the proposed agenda:


  1. Welcome
    1. Introductions (Brief)
  2. Neal’s presentation
  3. Purpose for meeting.
    1. Main purpose: Gain as much support as possible
      1. Host Sites.
      2. Money, other resources.
  4. Seattle guests talk.
  5. Questions time.

Respectfully submitted: Alan OldStudent