TCT Minutes, July 21, 2014

PRESENT: Carl (representative for South Tacoma Neighborhood Council [STNC]), Patricia, Vince (Facilitator), Neal, Alan (Note taker),

July 21, 2014


  1. Introductions.
  2. Web report.
  3. Coalition report.
  4. Patricia’s letter.
  5. Carl from STNC.

INTRODUCTIONS: Because we had a new attendee, we had introductions. Each attendee said a few words about her/himself.

WEB REPORT: Our website hosting fees are paid one year in advance, and this website’s one-year hosting account anniversary is in a few months. The hosting company billed Alan for next year. Alan paid this bill, and the hosting account is now current until October, 2015. The fee was $119.88, which Alan paid as a donation to TCT.

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TCT Minutes, July 7, 2014

July 7, 2014

PRESENT: Vince, Alan, Neal, Patricia


  1. Web report.
  2. Tent storage.
  3. Coalition meeting
  4. Phone bill due. Will be paid.
  5. New Pastor report.


Vince reported on his meeting with the new FUMC pastor. His impression is favorable.

John said space for tents okay. Vince did not call Mike Coburn because had not yet contacted John. Discussion followed.

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TCT Minutes, June 16, 2014

PRESENT: Vince, John, Neal, Patricia, Alan

June 16, 2014


  1. Bank account.
  2. Business cards
  3. Coalition meeting.
  4. Mike Coburn and tents
  5. John’s report
  6. Mail boxes

BANK ACCOUNT: Patricia closed our bank account. TAPCO was charging us $25/month just to keep it open. She now is holding the funds for us. She will open new account at a different institution when we get our fundraising efforts organized.

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